Freelance web developer2023-05-19T00:00:47+01:00
use Zenpytory\Data\Introduce;

$introduce = new Introduce("Zenpy");

echo $introduce->getAbout();

Freelance web developer

zenpy profileHi, my name is Richárd Fülöp, „Zenpy”. I help people to build their dream portfolio website, growing ecommerce webstore or any web application to support their business flow. In the last 5 years I developed for my own ecommerce business (and for a few other clients), mostly Magento 1 & 2 webstores.  The child has grown up and I am working now as a freelance developer with the experience I gained. Check out my website and get to know my skills, capabilities and previous projects. 

Web developer
echo $introduce->getServices();

What I am good at

Website hosting

Hosting & Monitoring

Would you like a fast, stable, but well priced hosting service for your webstore? I can provide you the same system environment that I created for my own ecommerce business too, at an excellent dedicated server provider. I use a professional infrastructure monitor system to be sure that it’s running 24/7 without any hiccup. If you need managed hosting, contact me!

Web development

Website development

If you need a portfolio website that represents you or your services, an ecommerce store to sell your products, a custom web application to serve/support processes in your business, or just need a new module to your webstore, I’m here to build it! I have a great experience with Magento systems, built WordPress sites and I already met with Laravel framework.

Integration development

Integration development

I love design and develop integrations between websites and a service APIs. If you need to connect your website with a shipping carrier, invoice application, marketing API, CRM, an ERP system or other, you are in the right place! Reduce your workload with simplification, automation, and bulk operations so you can spend more time on more important things.

magento logo 100
laravel logo 100
wordpress logo 100

Get your interest?

Contact me
echo $introduce->getSkills();

Skills and tools what I know

echo $introduce->getProjects();

Some of my previous projects

View all projects
echo $introduce->getReviews();

My clients said

Richárdnál pontosabb, precízebb munkatársat nem is kívánhatna magának az ember, éles logikájának köszönhetően 100%-osan a kisujjában van a napi ügymenet is, de a továbbtervezés, fejlesztés sem okoz gondot neki.

Tamás Németh profileTamás Németh, Motomotors Ltd.
Richárd olvasott a gondolataimban és szuper ötleteivel meg is valósította azt amit megálmodtam. Segítőkész és precíz, az elképzeléseit kellő pontossággal építi be a projektekbe. Kitartó, aki nem riad vissza a kihívásoktól és nyitott az új dolgok felfedezésére. Öröm volt vele együtt dolgozni. Kiváló fejlesztő, csak ajánlani tudom!
Zsanett Pálinkás profileZsanett Pálinkás, Graphic designer

Working with Richard is a great pleasure. He knows what we need when we have no idea what we need. After learning how our business works in depth, he designed the whole system that exactly fits to our business workflow and it works like a charm since years!

Süti2000 Bt. logoAttila Vencel, Süti2000 Bt.
echo $introduce->getFaq();

Frequently asked questions

Are you a full-stack developer?2022-01-25T13:11:54+01:00

I can be full stack, if needed. What does it mean? I’m able to do frontend. I’m good in managed hosting. But I’m best in backend development. So if you don’t need a fincy fancy, fully animated, space jumping frontend, I can do it, if you’re not afraid being attacked by hackers who capable break to Pentagon, I can host it and if you need a clean, documented, reliable code at the backend, I can be your full-stack developer. :)

How do you pricing?2022-01-25T13:11:54+01:00

It depends on the project. If I’m able to determine the time required accurately, I use to use project pricing, so you know the price upfront and I can focus on the job without counting the hours. If it’s hard to shoot the exact time need, I use hourly pricing, because the estimation may be mistaken in both directions so it is the most realistic for you and me.

Do you work with others to help you?2022-01-25T13:11:54+01:00

I love working alone. But if the task required, I’ll work with others to reach the desired goal.

echo $introduce->getContact();

Got a project? Contact me!

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