magento billingo 1

About this project

The task was to integrate a Magento 1.9 and the Billingo invoice application API. The final modul fully fits to the Magento invoice system, the user don’t need to leave Magento backend at all. They are able to create invoice/proforma, storno invoice (cancel a non paid invoice) or credit memo per item and quantity. The newly created invoice default paid status can configured by payment methods, or possible to set under invoice creation. Also have bulk invoice creation functionality and API endpoint, so it’s possible to create invoices from outside of Magento (e. g. from a logistic application). Due to it’s fitted to Magento invoice logic, if an another module checks the COD payment status (e.g. the shipping module) and sets the invoice to paid when COD report arrived, the invoice automatically set to paid in the Billingo system too.

Frameworks: Magento

Languages: PHP

Tools: Composer, Git, Modman

magento billingo 1

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